Kamis, 23 April 2009

My new sketches : Mr. TAG

I tried to make sketches of my posture. Eventually I must admit that it is not easy to do so. What I mean to say taht it is hard to find certain 'form' or 'posture' that will easily rocognized as me. There are some choices I have to make in line with style; will it be a cartoon like 'short figure' or 'normal figure'.

In today's posting I placed the short figure one with casual wears; short pants, jogger t-shirt, and sandal. It was a apparel that I wear when I found the idea of making myself figure. The black short 'beach' pants decorated with grey round flowers around. While the white t-shirt is a product of Jogger Bali decorated with square picture and writing. The color is white and the picture green in the base color. The beach sandal color is pale grey.

In the future I want to place these images in any printed paper works or presentations. Ok then, that's all for today.


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